Way and Light!

A few weeks ago, I was quite disturbed in my sleep at 4:00 AM by heavy sounds coming from my bedroom window. The sound was like some pounding and grinding; and as if some building was being demolished in the neighborhood. However, like always sleep overtook and I got up and quickly rushed to get into the cab.

While I rushed to get into the cab, I was taken by surprise when I saw the new road that was laid right in front of our apartment. They laid a new road, and it filled all the potholes and uneven surfaces and that looked absolutely stunning.

The new road captured from my roof top! 

That evening, I took my two wheeler out for a ride, the new road made the ride even more enjoyable. Previously, if I take my daughter along, I had to be extra careful that I dont fall with her on the bike. But the new road brought a smile to my face as I just drove with joy that there wont be major jerks that could shake my body, or put me off the road!

A clear path paves a way for a smooth journey?

An even road makes our journey comfortable?

We all want to see that clear path before us in our lives, we want a smooth ride – without potholes and sudden jerks, without any mishaps… In the same manner, we can enjoy the journey of life when Jesus becomes our WAY! 

John chapter 14 begins with the quote “Let not your hearts be troubled” Believe in God. But this world, and its fleeting pleasures makes it very difficult to trust God and not get carried by the troubles of this world. We are so worried about the uncertainty that lurks at every corner. In the same chapter Jesus is telling his disciples of an eternal home and our doubting Thomas one of Jesus’ disciple asks Jesus “Lord,we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?

We all have questions in our life – Why we haven’t got what we wanted? Why we dint receive healing? Why we suffer financially ? etc We don’t see our future often times. We can be bewildered about the fact that there is no clarity and uncertainty exists in vary many forms. But be encouraged – In John 14:6 it says – Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. 

Its an absolute truth that Jesus is the way, He has already been laid and if you haven’t received him in your life to be the way, the truth and life. Just try him once…

The same road at the corner is merely invisible because of lack of light!

Jesus is the way, the way has already been laid down. But the darkness that covers our eyes – the worldly pleasures, the insecurity, the failures, the pain, the suffering, the unbelief; all of them make us feel there is no way out and we are lost in the wilderness.

As a child my mom and my grand mom taught me this verse in Tamil my native language; I never understood the meaning of it then. But that’s the only solution; it is found in Psalms 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path!

Reading, learning, memorizing, and meditating on the Word of God is very important for each one of us to be able to clearly see the WAY!!

May each one of us find the Way that’s leads to eternity and have the courage to light up the way by knowing the Word of God!

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